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The Understanding Of Self And Responsibility

To hold eternity in the palm of your hand

To understand the self – do not draw your line in the sand

Responsibility you know belongs only to you

To abandon it or place your burden on others will not do

– I suppose…however – the only person that you need to answer to is –


Responsibility is not something that others take onto their shoulders lightly, but responsibility for yourself and your actions is something that everyone needs to accept. To say that you are not responsible for your actions is being false – of course you are not held accountable for the events that happen to you. Some things that happen in life are unfair and quite frankly – upsetting. However, you may not control the event but you are fully capable of moulding the way you react towards it.

Life is life – things happen.

If you understand yourself and how you work – you are one step closer to understanding humanity. You can study humans and the psychology of us to the ends of the earth but if one cannot understand themselves where does that knowledge go?

To be a master at something you study the source, so why do people forget to look inwards?

YOU are YOU for a reason – and it’s a beautiful reason so why not develop and love who you are first instead of focusing on all the pain the world has shown you?

Accept the responsibility of yourself.

Understand yourself and that will lead to the understanding of others.



Be true.

The only person you need to answer to is YOU.

So make it a good answer.

Words by Julé Michelo for No1Blog

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